
On June 2017 in Santiago, Chile, the first issue of the journal Canal: cuadernos de estudios visuales y mediales [Channel: Notebooks on Visual and Media Studies] was published. As an academic initiative to articulate transdisciplinary and contemporary thinking and discussions on visual and media cultures, the project included a series of original articles by researchers and scholars from Chile and South America, as well as the first translation into Spanish of Friedrich Kittler’s essay “The World of the Symbolic – A World of the Machine”.

In the project I played the role of associated editor, which in particular put me in charge of this first issue’s dossier, as well as of coordinating, editing and revising Kittler’s text translation, and the homologation into Spanish of its footnotes and bibliography.

p.06 > Editorial
p. 10 > Presentación del dossier
p.16 > Escombro e historia – Pedro Ignacio Alonso y Hugo Palmarola
p.32 > La vida en el laberinto de los aparatos técnicos. Un contrapunto entre Günter Anders y Vilém Flusser – Breno Onetto M.
p.56 > La fotografía y el gusano – Norval Baitello Junior
p.74 > La apropiación fotográfica del territorio: una interpretación tecnoestética – Natalia Calderón y Adolfo Vera
p.90 > Arqueologías mediales: un diagnóstico de Jussi Parikka – Joaquín Zerené H.
p.121 > Documento
El mundo de lo simbólico – un mundo de las máquinas – Friedrich Kittler
p.159 > Obra
Máquina de coser – Demian Schopf
p.171 > Ensayo
La técnica, la postpornografía y el feminismo – Alejandra Castillo
p.188 > Notas de libros
Arquitectura de las transferencias (2016) – Ingrid Wildi
Are We Human? (2016) – Beatriz Colomina & Mark Wigley
p.190 > Apéndice
Proyecto Globular [Imágenes de archivo ESO] – Renzo Contreras

A digital copy of this issue can be downloaded here. Printed copies can be borrowed from the University of Chile’s libraries catalog. Also, the issue can be purchased from the Metales Pesados library in Santiago.

As an annual publication, Canal’s second issue is expected for the second half of 2018.