
New book: Frictions

Our book Frictions: Inquiries into Cybernetic Thinking and Its Attempts towards Mate[real]ization has recently been published by meson press. The open access PDF version is free, and I invite you all to download it. Similarly, print copies can be purchased online from the vendors listed on meson’s website. Please consider recommending our book to your […]


Towards a Techno-digrammatics (part II)

As a continuation of an earlier post, this entry aims to explain in a little more detail my work around the notion of techno-diagrammatics and Beer’s Cybernetic Model of Contemporary Capitalism. As I expected, I discussed elements of this work in two meetings. In April, I participated in project Antikythera’s Synthetic Catallaxy workshop in Mexico […]


Towards a Techno-diagrammatics (part I)

For some time now, I have been working with what I call techno-diagrammatics. This notion is the product of my study of an old, unpublished manuscript that Stafford Beer developed during his last visit to Chile in June-July 1973; a document in which he attempted to model the dynamics of contemporary capitalism, and which I […]



After a long process of informal interaction and collaboration, Dusan Cotoras, Joaquin Zerené, and I have finally decided to consolidate our efforts in a joint platform of research. We have called this project Bucles, which is the Spanish word for loops. Through this project we are hoping to achieve two goals: on the one hand, […]


Applied Cybernetics

Going from November 2019 to February 2020, and taking place both in Humboldt University of Berlin and the Einstein Center Digital Future, the Applied Cybernetics lectures series was a project I coordinated and curated, aiming to develop an open discussion on the frictions that may have emerged when cybernetic thinking and its conceptual frameworks were […]



On June 2017 in Santiago, Chile, the first issue of the journal Canal: cuadernos de estudios visuales y mediales [Channel: Notebooks on Visual and Media Studies] was published. As an academic initiative to articulate transdisciplinary and contemporary thinking and discussions on visual and media cultures, the project included a series of original articles by researchers […]



As a farewell activity from the Department of Design at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Chile, I organized two colloquia to discuss relevant topics which, in my understanding, play a key role when one is willing to move design, insofar as a University field, closer to contemporary thought. One of […]


Searching for Euclid

Searching for Euclid was a collaborative, algorithmic piece aiming at exploring the limits between algorithmic machines and the human body, as well as the frictions and the aesthetics the could emerge from those limits. It was developed as a satellite work for the Emovere project – a choreographic and sound enterprise – which was concerned […]



The project INFORME: Device for Activating and Experimenting a Non-Space, was a temporary device installed in the front yard of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Chile, next to the offices of the Dean – mostly ornamental, this front yard remains unused and unvisited most of the time. Developed by the […]


Book: Algorithmic Mediations for Agonism

Algorithmic Mediations for Agonism is a book whose purpose is to share notes and reflections, as well as the methods and processes developed by the Design and Agonism Group at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Chile. The book presents a conceptual introduction and a brief bibliographical discussion of the role that technical media […]


Algorithmic Mediations for Agonism

Algorithmic Mediations for Agonism was an art research project developed by the Design and Agonism group that sought to explore how technical and technological media (especially those that are algorithmically conditioned) can mobilize (or be themselves) agencies for dissent and confrontation. The project had several phases and processes, and designed and developed several prototypes and tests (only two of which are shown here.) […]


Remoteness of Light

Remoteness of Light is a research-creation project done in co-authorship with Bárbara Echaíz Bielitz as a discussion on darkness, light, and the design of nature; presented at the Dynamics of Darkness in the North conference in Reykjavík, Iceland during February 2015. The project aimed, firstly, to reflect on how technical developments (in this case one based […]


Landscape and gaze to the modes of describing events

Landscape and gaze to the modes of describing events was a research-creation project aiming to analyze and visualize the discursive events articulated and published by the Chilean digital media, which in general terms contribute to shape the local political landscape. Technically speaking, the project consisted in the development of a software and the design of an interface and a system […]


Info Leaks Posters

Self-reflecting project, whose aim was to study and explore the algorithmic visualization of techno-political information. It consisted in the development of a small piece of software, written in Processing, to read RSS feeds from the five newspapers that initially covered the WikiLeaks Cable Gate case. After processing the data, the software generated and delivered a […]


Central Monitor · Central Node

Central Monitor · Central Node was a software, an interface, and a platform to visualize and navigate through what I then called techno-political imaginaries (2011). It allowed to read thousands of the so-called cables leaked by WikiLeaks in late 2010 — originally they would have been actual cables, sent using telex technology — in what […]


Visualizations for IEB

Media art project (part of Individual Efforts B) for the critical exploration and analysis of worldwide economic data and its meaning/no-meaning as such. It consisted in (a) the collection and parsing of public databases from the World Bank, (b) the development of a software, written in Processing, which (b1) mined the collected data, and (b2) visualized […]


Individual Efforts B

Individual Efforts B was an interactive installation for the critical exploration and analysis of global economic data and its meaning. It sought to provoke an uneasy reflection on how statistical and institutional apparatuses inform and are informed by political-economic discourses – visitors received no information other than the posters and a small label on the […]


Individual Efforts A

Individual Efforts A was a video installation that sought to introduce and problematize the Cybersyn case as a key historical precedent for examining the science-technology-politics complex from a media arts perspective. Part of a two-piece series, it was presented in the group show I am Here Now mounted at UCLA New Wight Gallery in Los […]