Specimens, n-grams, and LLMs

Also at the Semiotic Machines conference a few weeks ago, the US scholar Lisa Gitelman made a very interesting connection between early type specimens – the booklets published by type foundries both to advertise and demonstrate how to compose text with their typefaces (see Reynolds 2022) – and contemporary Large Language Models (LLMs). According to […]


New book: Frictions

Our book Frictions: Inquiries into Cybernetic Thinking and Its Attempts towards Mate[real]ization has recently been published by meson press. The open access PDF version is free, and I invite you all to download it. Similarly, print copies can be purchased online from the vendors listed on meson’s website. Please consider recommending our book to your […]

Tecnología e Historia (del Diseño)

[This post is, for now, only available in Spanish] El año 2020 escribí un ensayo que me hizo pasar un mal rato. Lo escribí para un Call for Papers con el que un journal chileno invitaba a abordar la relación entre historia del diseño y tecnología. Titulado “Qué historia, qué tecnología, qué diseño”, el texto […]

As in the radio?

[This note is a bilingual one —English and Spanish—, even though the referred content is only available in Spanish] [EN] A few months ago, the Anilla unit at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Santiago, Chile, invited me to take part of their podcast, Irrupciones en el MAC [Irruptions at the MAC]. Eventually, that became […]

Cybernetics of Exchange

During this summer semester 2020 (April to July/August-September), I will be teaching a seminar class for Master students at the Institute of Musicology and Media Sciences of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The class will be connected to some of the developments coming from my doctoral research on project Cybersyn, and hence it will tackle the concept […]

Friedrich Kittler

[This note is, for now, only available in Spanish. Entschuldigen Sie.] Friedrich Kittler, estoy convencido, es un pensador alemán cuya obra debe entrar, con decisión –y en mi opinión también con urgencia–, a las discusiones contemporáneas en arte, humanidades y ciencias sociales que se desarrollan en español. Con una prolífica obra que generalmente se divide […]