The project INFORME: Device for Activating and Experimenting a Non-Space, was a temporary device installed in the front yard of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Chile, next to the offices of the Dean – mostly ornamental, this front yard remains unused and unvisited most of the time. Developed by the team made up of faculty members Cristián Gómez-Moya, Mario Marchant Lannefranque, Daniel Opazo Ortíz, and myself, it consisted of a capsule that housed a curatorial program to explore and discuss the scope of the notion of form, which in Chilean art, design, and architecture has often harbored quite conservative agencies.
Starting from Georges Bataille’s Formless, we planned a series of activities such as artistic performances and seminars to critically reflect on the local tradition around the notion of form, while publishing a bilingual (Spanish and English) compendium of alphabetical entries as a complementary apparatus to the whole process. Here you can download the PDF version of this publication.