Excerpt from the so-called Dresden Codex – an ancient Mayan book on astronomical calculations. Pages 55-58.

On Hui’s Recursivity, Contingency, and Cosmotechnics

I just finished my belated reading of Yuk Hui’s Recursivity and Contingency (2019). I wished I had read it before or during my PhD work, but I simply didn’t get around to it. It’s really a great and illuminating work. I myself have argued elsewhere that cybernetic thinking can be thought of much as Simondon […]

Specimens, n-grams, and LLMs

Also at the Semiotic Machines conference a few weeks ago, the US scholar Lisa Gitelman made a very interesting connection between early type specimens – the booklets published by type foundries both to advertise and demonstrate how to compose text with their typefaces (see Reynolds 2022) – and contemporary Large Language Models (LLMs). According to […]

Thinking about Making (Thinking Machines)

Last week I attended the Semiotic Machines conference here in Berlin. At the opening panel on the first day, the philosopher Beatrice Fazi said something that intrigued me and has kept me thinking ever since. She said – I’m paraphrasing from memory here – that in order to address the challenges that AI systems pose […]

Top view of a Raspberry Pi 5

LLMs, Hardware, and Technológos

Last week I installed and ran an LLaMA 2 model on my wife Barbara’s Raspberry Pi 5. I conducted this small experiment to present a more concrete discussion of Wolfgang Ernst’s notion of technológos in an article I was writing – more on that below. My aim was to explain and problematize the relation between […]

json of my Life

A couple of weeks ago I got an email from Google saying that my Location History data would be erased soon since I haven’t used their tracking service for a while. In fact, I now think that the only reason why I stopped using that feature – which probably I never turned on myself but […]

On Benjamin Bratton’s “The Revenge of the Real”

I have just finished reading Benjamin Bratton’s last book, The Revenge of the Real: Politics for a Post-pandemic World, and, given the urgency and relevance of this project, I think that an open, broad, and collaborative reflection is needed – one that, I hope, will unfold from multiple sources and actors. Thus, aiming to contribute, […]



After a long process of informal interaction and collaboration, Dusan Cotoras, Joaquin Zerené, and I have finally decided to consolidate our efforts in a joint platform of research. We have called this project Bucles, which is the Spanish word for loops. Through this project we are hoping to achieve two goals: on the one hand, […]

As in the radio?

[This note is a bilingual one —English and Spanish—, even though the referred content is only available in Spanish] [EN] A few months ago, the Anilla unit at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Santiago, Chile, invited me to take part of their podcast, Irrupciones en el MAC [Irruptions at the MAC]. Eventually, that became […]

On technological automation

[This is a bilingual note. Español más abajo.] [EN] Last June 8th, I had the joy and privilege of opening the Forum on Current States of the Technological Automation organized by the Chilean publishing house, Qual Quelle. More concretely, it was an initiative put together by the philosopher Zeto Bórquez, who was not only able […]

Cybernetics of Exchange

During this summer semester 2020 (April to July/August-September), I will be teaching a seminar class for Master students at the Institute of Musicology and Media Sciences of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The class will be connected to some of the developments coming from my doctoral research on project Cybersyn, and hence it will tackle the concept […]

Friedrich Kittler

[This note is, for now, only available in Spanish. Entschuldigen Sie.] Friedrich Kittler, estoy convencido, es un pensador alemán cuya obra debe entrar, con decisión –y en mi opinión también con urgencia–, a las discusiones contemporáneas en arte, humanidades y ciencias sociales que se desarrollan en español. Con una prolífica obra que generalmente se divide […]